Joining a Student Society is the perfect way to kick start your university life. Not only does it give you a chance to meet people who share the same interest as you, but it gives you a chance to break away from the hefty university work. If you are unsure about which student societies are out there, then we will discover what there is when it comes to student societies in Leeds.

Aviation Society (AvSoc)


Aviation Society (AvSoc)
Source: Leigh Patrick-Pexels

Where? The University of Leeds

Grab your wings, its time for you to fly. Those who join the society are in for a chance to take a flight in a glider or even a powered aircraft. You even get a chance to meet those who work in the industry such as commercial pilots, traffic controllers and even airport managers. The Aviation Society hosts a variety of these events throughout the year. It’s also a great opportunity to enhance your CV and to get your foot in the doorway in the Aviation industry.

Big Open Party Society (BopSoc)

Where? The University of Leeds

An extraordinary thing about joining a university society is that you get to meet new people, some who will push you to go outside of your comfort zone. The Big Open Party Society is one of those places. From Indian bhangra dances to traditional African music, it is a vibrant and cultural group of students from around the world who come together to share their culture. This includes annual shows, weekly get-togethers and even trips out to cultural locations. And there’s always different food on offer. If that doesn’t make you want to join, I don’t know what will.

Harry Potter Society

Where? Leeds Beckett University


Do you solemnly swear that you are up to no good? If the answer is yes, then you’ve come to the right place. The Harry Potter Society is for anyone who has an interest in all things Potter. Surprisingly, the societies first event is the famous sorting hat ceremony. They also host film nights, trips to places such as the Harry Potter studios and even play the odd game of Quidditch. Unfortunately, due to health and safety regulations, the game is not played of brooms so please leave them at home. Remember, when you join the society, you are a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick.

Belly Dancing Society

Where? The University of Leeds

student societies in leeds belly dancing
Source: LUU Belly Dancing Facebook

Originally originating from the Middle East and North Africa, Belly Dancing is one of the oldest forms of dance. It is primarily a torso-driven dance with a defined emphasis on the movements of the hips. The society is run by an instructor who will teach you how to rock your moves and struck your hips. Not with-standing that, you can attend stage make-up workshops, hafla’s and belly dance festivals, bringing you that bit closer to becoming a belly-dancer.

Improv Society

Where? Leeds Beckett University

student societies in leeds improv soc
Source: Leeds Beckett Improv Soc

Calling all aspiring actors! The Improv Society is all about sharing how well you can improvise whilst performing. So if you happen to forget your line or don’t know whose supposed to be speaking, improvise. Tom Holland does it all the time. The sessions are focused on acting different scenes from movies, games and TV shows. It’s great fun and helps you to expand your acting skills. You also get to meet amazing actors just like you along the way.

Roller Skating Society

Where? Leeds Beckett University

student societies in leeds
Source: LUU Rollerskating Facebook

Please do not be scared that you haven’t got the slightest of clues on how to roller skate. That’s what the Roller Skating Society is there for. The main goal is to help beginners learn the basics of skating, teach the advanced skaters some snazzy (yet safe) moves and most importantly to have fun. Throughout the year, the Roller Skating Society offer themed skating discos and trips to skateparks. Committee members will always be on-site to lend a hand if you need it (sometimes even quite literally as they save you from falling).

High on Life Society

Where? University of Leeds

student societies in leeds high on life soc
Source: LUU High On Life Soc

Covid-19 has meant that we haven’t been able to relax and have days out with our friends like we normally would have done. So if you are looking for a way to get together virtually why not join the High on Life Society. The society has been tailored to online only and hosts get-togethers such as movie nights, pub quizzes and bingo nights. It’s a non-alcoholic society which proves that you can have fun without the booze. So make sure you have a somewhat reliable WiFi connection and come along.

Cutting Edge Society

Where? University of Leeds

student societies in leeds
Source: Cutting Edge Facebook

Have you ever binge-watched Greys Anatomy and wanted to get into all the surgical action? Cutting Edge is the one-stop-shop for all things surgical. If you want to take apart a human brain (not a literal brain, of course) or just want to know what a scalpel does, then why not join the Cutting Edge Society. You will have the opportunity to attend weekly teaching sessions, surgical skill courses and be in for a chance to attend real surgical meetings.

Foodie Society

student societies in leeds
Source: Leeds Beckett Foodie Society Facebook

Where? Leeds Beckett University

We all love food, there’s no doubt about it. Foodie society is your new heaven and brings like-minded people together with a shared love of food. It’s brand new to Leeds Beckett University and looks to explore foods from all over the world. It even looks beyond the concept of food and looks to increase awareness of conditions such as Coeliac disease and offer Dietary courses. So if you’re tired of your plain old beans on toast, widen your menu choice by joining this society.

KPOP Society

Where? The University of Leeds and Leeds Beckett University

student societeies leeds kpop
Source: KPOP Soc Facebook

I can hear the fans screaming with delight just by reading the society’s name. From BTS, EXO and Blackpink, KPOP society gives you a chance to let your KPOP spirit free. You’ll get to watch Korean dramas (for some of you this may be for the tenth time), celebrate Korean music and even learn to dance like your favourite KPOP star.

Last Updated on November 8, 2024
