The University of Westminster, with three campuses based in Marylebone, Harrow, and Regents Street, is an institute that promotes its three values of being progressive, compassionate and responsible. Within the University is the Student Union, a community that prioritises student welfare and organises events amongst the campuses’. If you’re interested in applying for the University of Westminster, or you are already a current student looking for more information about the Union, then below is everything that you need to know about The University of Westminster student union.
What is it?
The University of Westminster Student Union is an independent organisation with the main reception being based at the Marylebone campus that is ‘run by students, for students’. The union represents students needs by allowing each and every individual voice to be heard when decisions concerning the University are made. Not only do they protect your rights and take on the serious resolutions, the Student Union also boasts a range of sports clubs and societies alongside the university’s Smoke Media, representing Smoke magazine, Smoke TV and Smoke Radio. They also host a bar and nightclub at the Harrow campus, plus two shops that ensure you’re always stocked up on your student essentials.
What are their values?
The University of Westminster Student Union has five values which they propose shape the approach to ‘planning, behaviour and attitudes’, which are the following: Inclusive, Bold, Sustainable, Empowering and Open. We have listed their values, which you can also find here:
- Inclusive
- We will embrace and celebrate our diversity.
- We will champion people to achieve their potential.
- We will celebrate our diversity achievements.
- Bold
- We will innovate and create exciting opportunities.
- We will become sector leading in everything we do.
- We will pave the way on how to engage students in a Union.
- Sustainable
- We take actions to improve our environmental impact.
- We will take the required actions to become financially sustainable.
- We will ensure our stakeholder relationships are developed and maintained
- Empowering
- We will empower all our members in everything we do.
- We will always be self-confident and inspirational.
- We will develop and maintain power heroes through compassion.
- Open
- We will always be open to new ideas and ways of doing things.
- We will display the highest level of transparency.
- We will ensure we are accessible to all our members.
What impact do they have on the university?
The Student Union has a large impact on the University, not just amongst the students themselves, but also the staff and the representation of the University of Westminster. Throughout the year, the Union runs a number of events that help raise the profile of the university and help shine some light on any important current affairs that require aid and attention. They also fight for awareness and representation of matters such as mental health, trans and non-binary students, tuition fees and support for Black Lives Matter. By truly promoting inclusivity, the Student Union is a magnificent representation of the University of Westminster’s diversity.
Your student officers
Each year, the University of Westminster Student Union holds elections to select your new student ambassadors, where each candidate has the opportunity to create a manifesto that they would focus on, should they be elected. The Student Officers for the next academic year are:
- President: Zahra Butt
- VP Activities: Liv Ponsford
- VP Postgraduate Education: Alizéh Abrar
- VP Undergraduate Education: Fatima Zein
- VP Welfare: Samira Azir
- Regents & LS Campus Liaison Officer: Olawale Awoyinka
- Harrow Campus Liaison Officer: Francesco Ghanaymi
- Marylebone Liaison Officer: Islombek Mardanov
Last Updated on November 13, 2024
Published on July 1, 2021