Moving into student halls can be overwhelming when you start university. There are new people to meet, plenty of things to buy, and finances to sort out. So in order to make it easier for you, we’ve gathered some tips and useful information that you’ll need to know before you take that big step!

1. Prepare for Freshers’ Flu

10 things to know before moving into student halls
Source: Canva

When you start university, you should expect to get Fresher’s flu. Whether you’ll be going out or staying in, this bug is near impossible to miss. Check out our guide on how to know whether it’s Fresher’s Flu or Covid, here.

2. Expect noise/ thin walls

Student Halls mean lots of people, which in turn means lots of noise. Unfortunately most accommodation also features thin walls, so be prepared with ear plugs if you are a light sleeper!

3. Are you halls Catered or non-catered?

Make sure you know if your accommodation is catered or non-catered. Catered often means fewer to no kitchen facilities, as food is provided by the halls. Non-catered can come with more facilities, and more suited for those who can cook.

4. Learn to cook

Source: Canva

Perhaps one of the most obvious – try and learn some basic cooking skills. Even if your hall is catered, you may want to save some money every so often, and home made food can be a way of doing this. There are plenty of recipes and tutorials online for quick and easy food if you are a novice. This piece of advice isn’t just limited to cooking: make sure you gain a sense of taking care of yourself at university. This includes cleaning after yourself, and knowing how to do laundry and ironing.

5. Check what facilities and appliances are provided

Don’t go overboard in buying appliances before moving. Check what is available to you, and see what your flatmates are willing to share before buying everything. Of curse, that doesn’t mean don’t take your pots and pans, but hold off on the kettles and toasters. It may be easier, and cheaper, to buy that with your flatmates.

6. Group chats 

Before moving into halls, you may want to know who you’ll be living with. Once accommodation is mostly sorted, group chats often spring up and is a chance to get to know other people in advance. You can usually find them in chatrooms or larger Facebook groups. It can also be a useful tool for any questions or information your unsure about.

7. Invest in some flip flops or Crocs

Invest in some flip flops or Crocs
Source: Canva

Invest in some sort of indoor footwear – you don’t want to be doing your laces every two minutes from bed to kitchen, then bed again. This is especially important if you’re sharing bathrooms – you will need those spare easy flip flops.

8. Read through your inventory

Before settling in completely, make sure you read through your inventory and are satisfied with it. This is a vital part in ensuring you aren’t charged for damage that was previously there. Make sure to also read through your contracts thoroughly, and don’t hesitate to raise concerns. You’ll want to know if and how many of your bills are inclusive.

9. Pack light

If you can avoid it, keep suitcases to a minimum and rely more on boxes and bags. You don’t want to have to find space for your big suitcase when you have so much else to fit in your room! When packing, mix your heavier items, like books, with your lighter items, like clothes. This will distribute the weight more evenly.

Source: Canva

10. Arrive early

Arriving early in the day gives you plenty of time to unpack and relax before exploring your new home. It also means first bagsies on communal areas, like cupboard space, and you’ll be the first one to greet your new flatmates.

If you’re still nervous about moving into student halls because of social anxiety, check out our guide here!

Last Updated on November 29, 2024
