Sending off your university application is one of the most stressful things you’ll ever do. Choosing where to apply, then filling out all the details and actually sending it off are so stress-inducing it’s unreal! But what’s even worse is the wait to hear back from universities once you’ve sent off the application. So how do you cope with the wait? Here are our tips.

Dive headfirst into revision 

Dive headfirst into revision 
Source: Canva

First of all, the best tip we have is to just think about something else. Sitting and refreshing UCAS for hours at a time really is not going to make the university get back to you quicker. Besides, you have stuff you should be doing. You’re in your final year of sixth form or college, and that means exams are just around the corner. Distract yourself with some revision, and it’s a win-win! You can check our tips for revision at uni here.  

Look to see if others have received offers 

check university twitter
Source: Twitter

We live in the age of information! It can be really helpful to head onto your social media and check on Twitter and Instagram to see if people have received offers from the universities you’re waiting on. This might give you an idea as to whether there is a university-wide delay because of the pandemic, staff absences or any other reason!

Try not to compare to others 

apple and orange
Source: Canva

That being said, try not to compare to people who have applied to other universities. If your friends all hear back within a week and you’re left waiting, that’s no reflection on you and you must remember that! Some universities do just take longer to get through all their applications. It doesn’t mean you’ve got any reason to worry.

Check the university’s website 

Check the university's website 
Source: Canva

If you really think something has gone wrong, check on the university’s website. If they have hit a significant delay, they’ll likely post an alert on the website or on their social media. Alternatively, this might be done as an email sent directly to you. Keep your eyes peeled for any signs!

Indulge in your hobbies 

Indulge in your hobbies 
Source: Canva

Again, one sure-fire way to not think about the university response is to do something else. If revising doesn’t suit you, then why not indulge in some hobbies? Try baking, reading, writing, walking, running… Anything to stop you from fixating on the wait to hear back from universities!

Check your email regularly 

Check your email regularly 
Source: Canva

It is, of course, important to make sure you’ve not just missed the notification. So whilst you need to keep your mind off of the wait most of the time, set aside time each day to check your emails. Check for any alerts either from your university of choice or from UCAS. This doesn’t need to be a whole lot of time, just 10 minutes a day to quickly flick through all the spam is a good idea. That way you won’t worry about whether or not you’ve missed the notification!

Plan for university 

Plan for university 
Source: Canva

Whilst you might not know exactly where you’re going yet, you can still get excited about your new journey by preparing for when you have received all your offers back. Pick out things you want to buy for halls, clothes you want for freshers, make a packing list before you move – all of it will get you excited whilst also distracting you from the nervousness that comes with waiting to hear back from universities!

Come up with a backup plan

Come up with a backup plan
Source: Canva

Whilst it might sound like giving up, it’s sometimes relaxing to know that you have another plan in place. So if your heart is set on one university and you’ve not heard anything yet, maybe consider which others you could apply to through clearing, or whether taking a gap year could work for you. That way, even if things really don’t work out, you know that it isn’t the end of the world. Take a look at our guide to apprenticeships, for alternate uni ideas. 

Waiting to receive offers from universities can be incredibly stressful however we promise you, it’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t go to plan. In fact, you can read all about how to get over being rejected from your dream uni here.   Remember that it’s ok to ask for help if you are not coping!

Last Updated on August 16, 2024
