A-Level Results day is fast approaching but, don’t panic! Although it’s easy to be overwhelmed, your future doesn’t lie in the hands of a few examiners; it depends on you. So, what can you do to be as ready as possible for when you open that envelope?
When is A Level results day 2024?
This year, A Level results day is set to take place on Thursday the 15th of August 2024. It comes just in time for you to enjoy the rest of summer before the studying (or whatever you choose to do) resumes.
How to prepare for A Level results day
1. Make a plan
Admittedly, it’s not the most fun you could be having during Summer time but, if you can, take one afternoon off to go scouring the internet. Check your emails for opportunity updates, watch people talk about their career journeys online and remember that not every career path is linear. Think about if the future you have in mind is right for you. Do you want to go to University or do an apprenticeship? What are your career goals? In most cases, there’s more than one way to achieve them. Changing your career prospects can be complicated, but the earlier you do it the better your chances.
2. Know what to expect
When the day finally comes, you’ll need to be ready to collect your results from 8am onwards (varying depending on where you attend). If you’re away on holiday on A Level Results Day, you can nominate someone to collect them and talk to universities on your behalf. However, it’s better to do this yourself if you can as it gives you as much control in your future as possible. UCAS Hub will update around 8.15am on the 15th of August 2024, allowing you to make changes to your application like accepting offers, withdrawing your application if you feel uni isn’t right for you, and going through clearing.
3. Get informed about UCAS Clearing?
Clearing can be for students who have either underachieved or overachieved since UCAS Adjustments is no longer available. A top tip is to call up your University admissions office before considering clearing to check if they can still let you onto the course you want. Typically, clearing lasts from the start of July until mid-October; have a look at the official UCAS website to check clearing dates. You’ll need to call up the Universities you’re interested in and give them your clearing and UCAS number to know if they’ll accept you first. Then, if you’re given an informal offer, you can add that University of choice to your application.
4. Know your options about retaking your A Levels
Retaking the year can be particularly useful if you have a specific degree in mind, like Medicine or Circus and Physical Performance (see our list of the 10 weirdest degrees in the UK). Most Universities understand that there are students that need to retake a year, maybe due to mitigating circumstances and maybe not. Therefore, this won’t affect your likelihood of acceptance as long as your grades are up to par. Treat your repeat year as a fresh start, and have your future goals in mind whenever you need motivation to study. However, it’s important to note that you’ll have to pay tuition/examination fees for retaking your A Levels, which can range from £60-£400. See our article here on resit costs.
5. Consider doing a gap year
It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have everything all planned out yet. If you excel on results day, or if you’re disappointed, consider taking a gap year. You might even want to take a gap year even if your results go as planned. After all, travelling before you start your career can offer freedom and experiences you might not have as much time for later.
You can do this by asking your universities to defer a year, and most will agree as long as you give them reasonable justification. As well as a well-deserved break from your academic studies, in this time you can earn valuable work experience, take online courses, travel, and more. Your time is yours so make the most of it!
Once you have your results and you’re happy with your options, it’s time to get ready for the years ahead of you. All in all, the greatest advice we can give you is: don’t worry. No matter what the outcome, you have limitless opportunities and the world is what you make of it. You’re not defined by the grades you get now, and we trust you’ll make it through. From all of us at Unifresher, good luck!
If you didn’t get the results you wanted, read our tips on what to do if you fail your A Levels.
Last Updated on December 19, 2024
Published on July 9, 2023