Everyone knows that university is stressful at the best of times. And so, the last thing anyone wants is to be spending time trying to work out how to split the bills with your housemates. Luckily there is now a range of apps that can do the hard work for you. So, here is our round up of the best bill splitting apps to suit all your student needs.   


Source: Splitwise Instagram

With a range of features including an offline mode, the ability to add groups and friends, and the option to split by percentage or shares, Splitwise is a great way to keep track of expenses on nights out as well as your household bills. This app also gives you the option to use over 100 different currencies and would be a great solution if you are trying to organise holiday costs. Splitwise’s activity page means you can easily keep track of what you owe and are owed. What’s more, the dedicated group section means it would be easy to have everyone in the house on the same page with the bills.   


Source: Tricount Instagram

This app focuses on the speedy and simplistic way to split bills. Their three step system lets you set up a page with everyone you are splitting with, add all the expenses related to this, like all the separate bills for your house, and then quickly shows exactly how much each person owes. With Tricount you can also add images, such as receipts, so you’re not worrying about dealing with the costs at the end of a night out. You also have the option to get notified when new expenses are added by your friends.  


Source: Splid.app

Like many of the apps on this list Splid uses a simple interface and groups to make your expenses easy to keep track of. However, this app will also automatically convert to and from over 150 currencies. Meaning that international expense settling is still simple to manage. The app also has the option to split your bills unequally. So drinks tabs, food shops, or dinners out could be divided up based on individual items if you prefer.


Source: Hello Acasa

Acasa is promoted as the tool you need so you never have to worry about your bills again. After setting up your household on the app, the hard work is done for you. It helps you to organise all of your services, like your broadband and energy, through the app. So, if you’ve just moved into a new house at the start of term this may be the way to get all your household necessities sorted. You can get notified when your bills are due so you’ll never be surprised with a last minute charge. Or, you can look at their bills included option, which takes the payments and manages the finances in the background.  


The best bill splitting apps for students: Tried and tested
Source: Natwest

Although this app was created by NatWest, it works well with any UK bank account. You are able to add your bills directly from your account and send gentle reminders to your housemates to pay their share. The app also keeps a full list of all the transactions, so you can keep on top of your budget. Additionally, housemate is partnered with Expedia to help improve your financial future. Their ‘Credit score checklist’ shows you how to make it more affordable to be lent money in the future. And, can get your rent payments recognised. This means that down the line your record is easier for lenders to find.

So there are some of our picks for the best bill splitting apps. With easy group payment systems and the ability to track payments in multiple currencies, there is an easy way for everyone to keep on top of their finances. And, avoid all those awkward conversations about money with your flatmates.

If you’re still setting up the services in your new flat, check out our best student deals for broadband.  

Last Updated on November 26, 2024
