Line of Duty is the latest BBC drama that we are all obsessed with. The recent end of the sixth season has left us all with more questions than answers, and it wasn’t long until social media exploded with memes. So here are some of the best Line of Duty memes so far.
If Monday was a person…
More like if 2020 was a person!
Who else spotted it?
It looks like someone forgot how to use spellcheck.
Dolores Umbridge is that you?
We didn’t like Umbridge then, and we don’t like her wannabe now.
An accurate representation of what went down
If you are unsure of what happened in the Line of Duty ending, look to Michael Scott for an accurate representation of what happened.
This meme says it all…
This is literally what everyone was like after the so-called finale.
Poor Kate
Nothing says it better than a Simpsons meme, as the ending has left us all shocked and staring into the darkness.
The three things that are certain in life
These are the only three things that are certain in life, although I do hope cake is the fourth.
We are not their biggest fans
Hmmm I wonder who the third most hated is?
That ending though
There is only one word to describe our faces after that ending, and that is flabbergasted.