Summer is right around the corner and the countless festivals that are going on throughout the UK will give you cause for celebration!  If you are deciding to attend one of the many festivals taking place this year such as Wireless, Lovebox, Kaleidoscope or Reading festival,  here are two things you should know.  Firstly, you’re going to want to sneak a few things into the festival and secondly, everyone does it. Festivals can be extremely costly; once you’ve paid for your travel and other essentials, the items available for purchase inside can very expensive. And for many university students, that student loan doesn’t stretch far enough. So, it will probably come as no surprise to learn what the 10 items that everyone sneaks into festivals are.


While many festivals do let you bring your own booze to the event, some don’t. In fact, alcohol is the most common item snuck into festivals. That’s because purchasing alcohol in these venues is so dang expensive

But how can I sneak alcohol into the festival?

Well, we have some ideas… Here’s one of the creative ways in which a festival-goer managed to sneak alcohol into festivals. Read our guide to smuggling alcohol into festivals here. 

Source: Canva


Secondly, personal speakers are banned at many UK Festivals (but many people sneak them in.) If you do, be sure to use them appropriately and it’s likely others will enjoy the vibe and appreciate the music. Besides, speakers shine particularly in more intimate settings, for instance, a small tent with your friends. They’re for when performances are over and your group is still in a dancing mood.


It can be very expensive (and not that great for your waistline) if you only eat the food served at festivals.

Many festival food stalls are aesthetically pleasing but not always filling and more often than not with a price tag over £5. For example, a portion of chicken nuggets costs £7 at Reading Festival – if your bank account groaned just now, you are now qualified to join everyone else who is sneaking food into venues. Here are a few ways to sneak food into festivals.

Audio Recorder

Audio Recorder
Source: Canva

Audio recorders are an essential item that you’ll find everyone sneaks into festivals. People are as interested in recording their memories of events as much as being at the events themselves – being able to record the artist’s live performances, conversations with friends and other moments can be treasured experiences. High-quality equipment is often vetted to ensure they aren’t used commercially, so you may need to conceal them.

A Chair

You read that correctly, a chair! After all the energy and excitement from dancing and singing is exhausted, you’re going to want to sit down, especially in fully standing events such as All Points East.

Nitros Oxide Laughing Gas 

Nitros Oxide Laughing Gas 
Source: Canva

Laughing Gas is banned at festivals but it still makes its way in every year…

Selfie Sticks

Selfie sticks are ridiculously useful for recording your experiences at festivals. It’s unfortunate that they are now increasingly being banned from venues in the UK- luckily they are easily concealed.


inflatables UK Festival
Source: Canva

Following on, we come to one of those items that really amplifies your festival experience and adds to the fun: Inflatables.  Let’s face it, there are always more than a few giant beach balls bouncing on the crowd in live performances, despite them being banned widely.

Air Horn

Again, not an essential item, but one that seems to find its way into festivals one way or another. This one is for laughs, but the prop will definitely colour your memory of events. If you do manage to sneak one in, use it appropriately and with respect for other festival-goers.

A note of caution – although many festival-goers are guilty of these exploits, remember to use discretion and not to bother anyone with your contraband.

Happy Smuggling. 

And for more advice on what to take to a festival – check out our packing list for if it rains at a festival because you know what the UK is like.

Last Updated on November 23, 2024
