If you are unsure of what Futures is then here is the low down. Futures sets out to help people and businesses to not only develop but also grow – to make sure they become the best they can be. Through this, they work with not only the individual but also businesses and employment solutions.
What makes it even better for residents within Nottingham is you can access this great service right on your doorstep. So, here is everything you need to know about futures!
For individuals
As it states on the Futures website, they are the “home of unlimited possibilities”. At Future, they help individuals to climb up the job ladder and build their skills to ensure they are in the best position to reach their top potential in the working world.
Career advice is not only about getting that one job you want; it is much more than that. For instance, say you went into an interview for a job, and you are feeling shy. Do you think that is going to get you the job? The careers advice Futures provides is about equipping you with this confidence and changing your perspective towards the career path you are taking.
There are many ways advisors at Future will help you on your way towards your career path. One way is through careers advice. For some people, they have many doubts about what career they wish to pursue. This is where Futures steps in. Their friendly advisors are there with you every step of the way to make sure you are confident with all your choices.
Through this, advisors offer you truthful and practical support – as well as advice. Individuals will be equipped with the knowledge of how to get their cover letter noticed by potential employers, tips on how to get your CV noticed. As well as this, they acquire individuals with the best interview techniques to make sure star quality shines through!
Other ways Future intends to help individuals is through adult training courses. These training courses are not only available in Nottingham, but also Leicester, Lincoln and Mansfield. Through the courses, you acquire accredited qualifications. There are many career fields you can gain qualifications in. These include business and administration, customer service, health and social care, IT, English and maths. If training courses aren’t the best option for you and you want to go down the more practical approach, then an apprenticeship is the way forward for you.
To gain access to all this top info, you can contact them on the phone or in person.
How Futures can help businesses
In terms of how Futures helps businesses, it is very similar yet also very different. Futures is there to help not only help the employees in their business thrive, but also to help you provide the best opportunities to your workers.
One of the ways this is done is through providing apprenticeships. This allows you to expand the skills of your workforce, and these have been proved to increase productivity – as well as engagement in the workplace. If you are unfamiliar with what an apprenticeship is, this is a training programme combined with full-time employment.
Not only do apprenticeships give your workforce that extra step to thriving in the workplace, but they are also cost-effective in terms of recruitment and finding talented individuals. Apprentices are paid a weekly wage, and 95% of these costs are government contributions.
The team at Futures has years of experience behind them as they have worked with smaller companies – as well as household names across the UK. The apprenticeships on offer are for all job types and job fields – whether that’s for those attempting their first job or training to go into management. These work fields include customer service, digital and creative, leadership and management, and education, learning and development.
As well as apprenticeships for businesses, Futures also provides grants, funding and support. This goes alongside apprenticeships. The advice provided by Futures ensures businesses use their funds efficiently – helping them to gain a more motivated workforce.
Futures provides businesses with high-quality guidance and up to date knowledge about how to deliver effective leadership. Through their Professional Development Centre, and their Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Qualifications, they can help your business achieve an accredited qualification that is recognised by professional bodies.
Other services provided by Futures includes further advice about recruitment and employment, information around social responsibility, work experience advice, and redundancy support.
What makes Future even better is that it is here based here in Nottingham! So, if you want to improve your chances in the workplace, whether that’s gaining some new qualifications or simply improving your CV then get on to the Futures website!
Or, if you are a business perhaps not struggling but you want to have some guidance on how to make your workforce more motivated and engaged, then get on the phone to Futures!
Last Updated on December 15, 2024
Published on October 6, 2020