There are plenty of Nottingham alumni who have changed the world.

Which could make you ask yourself: ‘How will I make my mark?’.

Well, why not get a world record to your name?

Check out these 12 Guinness World Records that were broken in Nottingham, and see whether you think you could beat any of them.

Fastest average time to solve a Rubik’s Clock

Fastest average time to solve a Rubik's Clock
Source: Canva

Many of us will have been given a Rubik’s Cube as a child. We twisted it a bit. Got frustrated. Switched the PSOne on and forgot about it forever. A Rubik’s Clock is an equally frustrating game of puzzle solving. Not for Evan Liu however. The American broke the Guinness World Record for the fastest average time to solve a Rubik’s Clock. Liu raced through five attempts, solving the Clock in 6.68 seconds on average over five attempts. He smashed his own record (6.79 seconds) the Nottingham Open 2014.

Largest gathering of people dressed as Robin Hood

An impressive 1,125 people dressed as Nottingham’s favourite son, Robin Hood, at the Newark Show ground on August 27, 2011. This was the largest gathering of people dressed as Robin Hood ever. You’d need a few friends but surely this is doable?

Most watched video on Twitch

The hilarious video of a gamer being startled by his daughter is officially the most watched video on live video streaming site, Twitch. The clip of Nottingham’s Tom Wheldon has been viewed more than 2.6million times.

Largest practical science lesson

Source: Guinness World Records

A fantastic 292 people gathered under a marquee in Market Square in 2012 for the world’s largest practical science lesson. Under the official Guinness World Records rules, the lesson had to last for more than half an hour and needed at least two hands-on experiments focussing on a specific area of science. Afterwards participants had to submit a report to the instructors.

Most beer mats flipped

You’ll need determination for this one. That’s because it took Mat Hand more than four hours and 129 attempts to flip and catch 112 beer mats. His amazing show of endurance took place at Waterstone’s Bookshop Gallery on May 9, 2001.

Tallest politician (male)

The tallest male politician ever was Sir Louis Gluckstein, a Conservative member of East Nottingham from 1931 to 1945. He stood at an impressive 6ft 7½ in.

Oldest solo parachute jump (female)

Depending on your age you might need to wait a bit for this one. But the oldest solo parachute jump by a woman was by Dilys Margaret Price at Langar Airfield in Nottingham on 13 April 2013. She was 80 years and 315 days when she made the leap.

Fastest time to 100 Eskimo rolls by hand in a canoe/kayak (female)

Helen Barnes completed 100 Eskimo rolls in a very impressive 3 minutes 46.097 seconds to break the fastest time to 100 Eskimo rolls by hand in a canoe/kayak by a woman. Her attempt took place at the David Lloyd Club in Nottingham.

Most limbos in three minutes (team of 25)

For children’s Tv show, Scrambled!, 25 youngsters completed a limbo 142 times in Nottingham. The record, which was broken on October 3, 2017, seems very doable to us.

Smallest periodic table

You’ll probably need to get your hands on an ion beam writerandelectron microscope to create the world’s smallest periodic table. Those are the two pieces of equipment used by scientists from the University of Nottingham used to break the current world record, which is 89.67 x 46.39 microns. To put that into context, around 1million of them would fit on a Post-It note. Pleasingly, the Uni Of scientists created the mini-marvel as a birthday gift for Prof Martyn Poliakoff in December 2010.

Most air rings blown underwater

Get yourself down to the swimming pool and attempt to beat Paul Henson’s impressive world record for the most air rings blown underwater. Henson blew 66 in Nottingham on February 22, 2018.

Trials bicycle – Fastest time to traverse nine oil barrels

rials bicycle - Fastest time to traverse nine oil barrels
Source: Canva

Cyclist Joe Oakley came to Wollaton Hall on June 12, 2014, and broke the world record for the fastest time to complete an oil barrel course on a trials bicycle. Oakley traversed nine oil barrels in just 10.63 seconds.

Last Updated on December 15, 2024
