Going to university can cost a lot of money. There are tuition costs, rent, groceries, and of course, having fun. Fortunately, there are a number of scholarships and grants that can help make the financial side of things a little less stressful. One such scholarship is the Santander Scholarship. These come from the Santander Academy and can cover a variety of types of funding. If you’ve never heard of them or simply want to see if you’re eligible, this article is for you. Check out this article for a student’s guide to Santander scholarships.
What are Santander scholarships?
So, what are Santander Scholarships? Well, simply enough, they are scholarships from Santander’s Open Academy program. You can apply for scholarships from four different categories:
- Financial assistance – Financial aid for those from underrepresented socioeconomic backgrounds to go to university.
- Academic mobility – Allowing students to pursue part of university studies at another academic institution.
- Research – For university students and professors conducting research on a specific subject.
- Internship – Scholarships to allow access to the working world for students through internships.
Who is eligible for them?
Who is eligible for Santander scholarships depends on which one you’re applying to. Besides the obvious things (you wouldn’t apply for a research scholarship if you’re looking to do an internship), the main criterion is which university you attend. The overwhelming majority of scholarships available on the Santander Scholarships website are for a specific university. So, it is essential to go through the details of the scholarship to make sure you’re eligible before applying for them.
However, they do offer general scholarships which are open across different universities. Look out for the scholarships that say ‘Santander Universities’ for this one.
What can you get from it?
The specifics will depend on each scholarship, but on a basic level, you’ll get an amount of money from Santander. For instance, the £10k prize draw (closing 25/04) will give 10 applicants £1,000 each to use either for living expenses or towards resources like laptops or headphones from the Santander Aspire website. Alternatively, the Santander Universities Research Grants offered £1,000 in grants to research staff or postgraduate researchers.
A lot of these grants don’t have any clauses, so you can pretty much spend it on whatever you deem it necessary for. For example, the research grants can be used for any kind of research expenses like travel, resources, equipment, conferences, however they pretty much just supply the money for you to decide.
How do you apply?
You can apply for each scholarship on the Santander website. Each scholarship will have its own unique criteria to apply, but all you should need are your personal (name, contact information, etc) and university (ID number, degree, etc) details. But, it’s important to bear in mind whether a scholarship requires a cover letter or a similar sort of thing before you apply. It’s great to be prepared.
So, here is a student’s guide to Santander scholarships. With their wide variety of scholarships on offer, there should be one eligible for almost everyone. But, something to bear in mind is that some scholarships are only eligible at a specific university. So, keep your eyes peeled for the specific details on each scholarship. Happy applying!
Another way to earn some money is through side hustles. Check out this article for some of the best side hustles you can do as a student.