It may be a little overwhelming moving to Scotlands largest city, organising funding, finding somewhere to live, and beginning your studies all at the same time. So to make life a little easier for you, here are all the people you may need to contact for support during your time at Glasgow School of Art…

For Help





Disability & Dyslexia

Phone: 0141 353 4787

Faith & Spirituality

Phone: 0141 330 5419

Fees & Finance

Phone: 0141 353 4579


Phone: 0141 201 5560

International Students


Student complaints & Academic appeals


Phone: 0141 353 4787


Phone: 0141 566 1418




Once a student has decided to study at The Glasgow School of Art the next most important decision to make is deciding where to live. Most students decide to live in accommodation managed by the Glasgow School of Art or private student accommodation. Glasgow School of Art has two purpose-built halls of residence in the city centre for their students, all of which are full-furnished and range in price.

If you want to know more about the school’s student accommodation you should email them at


To help students focus on their studies The Glasgow School of Art has a discretionary childcare fund to assist their Scottish-domiciled students with their registered childcare costs.

Students can apply for the fund if they are on a full-time course, have registered childcare, and have applied for the highest student-student loan they can. The fund is discretionary and given on a needs basis.

To get in touch with the school about the childcare fund you can email them at

Disability and Dyslexia

Many students have disability needs at The Glasgow School of Art, which is why the school has a disability service to help students make the most out of their studies. This could be by providing them with advice, specialist equipment, or making alternative exam arrangements. The school can also help students apply for a students disability allowance.

Disabilities could include a long-standing illness or health condition, physical impairment or mobility issues, a mental health condition, social/communication impairment, a sensory impairment, or a specific learning disability, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or dyscalculia.

If you have a disability you should let the school know by calling them on 0141 353 4787 or emailing them at

Faith & Spirituality

The students at The Glasgow School of Art are able to go to the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre at The University of Glasgow. The chaplaincy centre offers students prayer and reflection spaces, as well as a variety of interfaith services and regular events.

To get in touch with the chaplaincy you can email them at or call them on 0141 330 5419.

Fees and Finance

Students have a lot of financial responsibilities once they enter higher education, including their tuition fees, accommodation rent, travel costs and other living costs.

To get in touch with the finance team you can email them at or call them on 0141 353 4579.


When you start studying at The Glasgow School of Art it is really important to register with a nearby doctor straight away, rather than to wait until you become sick. Many students register online with Woodside Health & Care Centre as it’s closeby to the campus.

To get in touch with the doctors you can call them on 0141 201 5560.

International Students

Glasgow School of Art is one of the UK’s leading art schools, so welcomes plenty of international students every year from over 79 countries. There is an international student support team at the school to make sure all students are well looked after and can settle easily into their new lives in Glasgow.

If you are an international student wanting some advice or extra support you can email them at

Student complaints and academic appeals

Students can make an academic appeal when there is new information about the student which wasn’t available to the examination board at the time, when the examination/assessment was not in accordance with the regulations for the course, or when the candidate was given misleading written information concerning the nature of the examination and its requirements.

To get in touch with the academic appeals team you can call the Learning support and development team on 0141 353 4787.

During their time at The Glasgow School of Art, students may wish to make a complaint. This may be about the school’s facilities, teaching, other students or even a member of staff. To register your complaint you need to inform the school as soon as you can.

To get in touch with the complaints team at The Glasgow School of Art you can email them at


At The Glasgow School of Art if you are interested in volunteering you should contact Michelle Kaye, who manages a team of volunteers for a variety of activities, including at the school’s archives and collections. Volunteering is a great way for students to help a good cause and make new friends, whilst also learning new skills and improving their cv.

If you are interested in volunteering you should contact Michelle by emailing her at or calling her on 0141 566 1418.


Whilst you are studying at The Glasgow School of Art it can be easy to focus on your work and deadlines so much that you forget to look after your mental and physical health and eat healthily. The school has a variety of self-help services for their students, and advice for them about their wellbeing.

To contact the wellbeing team you can email them at

Last Updated on October 8, 2024
