When the time to start university has finally arrived registering with a new doctor or dentist is going to be the last thing on your mind when you’re in a new city making new friends. New students will have a lot of responsibility and need to manage their finances, perhaps arrange childcare, or declare a disability. To make sure you don’t forget anything and keep on track, here are all the people you may need to contact for support at The University of Leeds…

For Help


Email: accom@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 7777


Email: brightbeginnings@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 1818

Disability & Dyslexia

Email: disability@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 3927

Faith & Spirituality

Email: chaplaincy@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 5071

Fees & Finance

Email: funding@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 2007


Phone: 0113 295 4488

International Students

Email: internationalstudents@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 3930

Student complaints & Academic appeals

Email: d.wardle@adm.leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 6705

Phone: 0113 3801 400


Email: volunteering@leeds.ac.uk<mailto:volunteering@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 7445


Email: smha@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 01133437458


Deciding where you are going to be living for the next year is a really important decision for every student, most of which choose between living in private student accommodation and university-managed accommodation.

The University of Leeds has a huge range of modern purpose-built apartments for their students to live in, both on and off-campus. Their accommodation range in how many flatmates you will have, contract length, shared bathrooms or ensuite, catered and non-catered, and in rent amount. To make sure you find the best accommodation for you its important to compare, which you can do by looking at the university comparison chart.

To get in touch with the accommodation office at The University of Leeds you can call them on 0113 343 7777 or email them at accom@leeds.ac.uk.


Bright Beginnings Childcare Centre is based on The University of Leeds campus, making it easy for staff and students to get on with their work and study without worrying about their children.

It costs £40 to register your children at the centre, which you pay when you fill in the form. Morning sessions last from 8 am to 1 pm, and afternoon sessions last from 1 pm to 6 pm.

To contact the childcare centre you can email them at brightbeginnings@leeds.ac.uk or call them on 0113 343 1818.

Disability and Dyslexia

At The University of Leeds, all students with disabilities have access to a range of free support services, such as the loan of equipment, alternative exam arrangements, campus-based computers with assistive technology, extended library loan facilities, advice and guidance, and drop-in sessions at Disability Services.

Students can also apply for the disabled student’s allowance, which is a sum of money given to students to help them pay for additional costs they may have to face because of their disability.

To contact the disability team you can email them at disability@leeds.ac.uk or call them on 0113 343 3927.

Faith & Spirituality

The multi-faith chaplaincy at The University of Leeds has regular workshops and events for the university community. They also have drop in sessions available where students can stop by and ask for some advice or guidance on anything that may be bothering them.

To contact you can call them on 0113 343 5071 or email them at chaplaincy@leeds.ac.uk.

Fees and Finance

Students have a lot of financial responsibility, they have to pay their tuition fees, accommodation rent, living costs, and all their other day to day expenses. Most students take out a student loan to help them cover their tuition fees, and some also take a maintenance loan to cover their living costs.

The University of Leeds has a finance team available to offer students advice on their finances and help them secure additional funding if they need it.

To get in touch with the finance team you can email them at funding@leeds.ac.uk or call them on 0113 343 2007.


When you begin your time at The University of Leeds it is important to register with a doctor straight away rather than waiting until you become ill. This is important so you also know where to go for medical help, treatment or advice.

To make it even easier for students, you can register with the Leeds Student Medical Practice which is closeby to campus. To register with the practice it only takes 2 days and can be done online, although this usually takes longer in September due to the number of new students.  To find a dentist you will need to check where your nearest dentist is.

To get in touch with the student medical practice you can call them on 0113 295 4488.

International Students

Every year at The University of Leeds more than 9,000 international students choose to study with them, making it one of the most diverse and multi-cultural campuses in the UK. The university also has a global community team to provide international students with all the advice and help they need to settle into life in a new city. They can offer travel advice, help with visas, and arrange events so students can get to know each other.

To contact the international student office you can email them at internationalstudents@leeds.ac.uk or call them on 0113 343 3930.

Student complaints and academic appeals

During their time at university, students may wish to complain for whatever reason. This may be because they are dissatisfied with the standards of teaching, academic, harassment, bullying, failure to meet obligations or deficiencies in standards od service. Which is why The University of Leeds has a complaints team for students to contact, however they do not accept complaints about admissions or academic judgments.

If you wish to make a complaint you need to contact the University’s complaints officer, David Wardle, by emailing him at d.wardle@adm.leeds.ac.uk or call him on 0113 343 6705.

Students at The University of Leeds can make an academic appeal against a result/grade as long as it is submitted within 20 working days of being received. Students are able to appeal when there are mitigating circumstances, disputes over extensions, problems with the provision of tuition, or you believe your degree classification was not calculated right.

If you are wanting to make an academic appeal you should first get in touch with the student advice centre by dropping in to see them or by calling them on 0113 3801 400.


There are so many different ways to volunteer at The University of Leeds, so much so that they have created their own online volunteering hub for students on their ‘My Career’ page. Volunteering is a great way for students to learn new transferable skills, improve their employability and cv, all whilst making new friends.

Every year thousands of students volunteer through The University of Leeds students union, either through individuals, a society, or joining a project. Students can also volunteer in the university community, such as by helping the university sports teams.

To contact the volunteering team you can email them at volunteering@leeds.ac.uk<mailto:volunteering@leeds.ac.uk or call them on 0113 343 7445.


Students spend a lot of their time at university worrying at their grades, but they also need to look after their physical and mental health. The University of Leeds has a counselling and wellbeing service available for their students to help them with anything that may be negatively affecting their time at university.

To get in touch with the wellbeing team you can email them at smha@leeds.ac.uk or call them on 01133437458.

Last Updated on October 8, 2024
