When you start university you will have a million different things to think about, when all you really want to do is unpack your room and make some new friends. To help you make sure you don’t forget anything, such as to register with a new doctor, arrange childcare or declare a disability, here are all the people you may need to contact for support during your time at The University of Leicester…

For Help


Email: accommodation@le.ac.uk
Phone: 0116 252 2428


Email: cc368@le.ac.uk
Phone: 0116 252 5056

Disability & Dyslexia

Email: accessable@le.ac.uk
Phone: 0116 252 5002

Faith & Spirituality

Email: spc16@le.ac.uk
Phone: 0116 285 6493

Fees & Finance

Email: feesandincome@le.ac.uk
Phone: 0116 252 3733


Phone: 0116 215 1105

International Students

Email: study@le.ac.uk
Phone: 0116 252 2674

Student complaints & Academic appeals

Email: advice@le.ac.uk

Email: appeals@le.ac.uk
Phone: 0116 252 2605


Email: volunteering@le.ac.uk


Email: wellbeing@le.ac.uk
Phone:  0116 223 1780


Choosing your accommodation is a really important decision for every student, most of who decide to live in either university-managed accommodation or private student accommodation.

The University of Leicester has a variety of university-managed accommodation, all of which range in price per week, distance to campus, and whether the rooms have an ensuite or shared bathroom. Choosing to live in university-managed accommodation means you will get to share a flat with other students at the university, and make loads of new friends.

To contact the accommodation team at any point during your time at university you can call them on 0116 252 2428 or email them at accommodation@le.ac.uk.


The University of Leicester has a nursery on campus just for the university staff and students, so they can get on with their work and studies without worrying about childcare. The nursery looks after children from 6 weeks to five years old. The nursery is open 51 weeks of the year, 8 am to 6 pm every Monday to Friday.

To find out more about the nursery you should email the Early Years Education Manager, Carol Crosbie, by calling her on 0116 252 5056 or emailing her at cc368@le.ac.uk.

Disability and Dyslexia

The University of Leicester has an AcessAbility Centre to help students with long term conditions, such as by offering one to one support sessions, arranging alternative exams, campus parking permits, equipment loans and assistance with pre-entry discussions and visits. The library also offers a variety of services to help students with disabilities.

If you have a specific learning disability you should let the university know, as they can help you by making reasonable adjustments to your course or by organising extra time for exams.

The university can also help students apply for the disabled student’s allowance, which is a grant of money given to students with disabilities to help them pay for any additional costs they may face because of their disability.

To get in touch with the AcessAbility Centre you can email them at accessable@le.ac.uk or call them on 0116 252 5002.

Faith & Spirituality

The chaplaincy at The University of Leicester has a team of chaplains from different Christian groups, who all work together to help everyone regardless of their spirituality or faith. The chaplaincy also has a chaplain just for the international students, to make sure everyone can feel included.

To get in touch with the chaplaincy you can call them on 0116 285 6493 or email them at spc16@le.ac.uk.

Fees and Finance

Students have a lot of financial responsibility when they start university, they need to pay their tuition fees, accommodation costs, travel costs and general living costs. Most students apply for a student loan to cover their tuition costs and a maintenance loan to cover their accommodation and living costs.

The University of Leicester has a finance team available to offer students financial advice and help them learn to budget their money.

To get in touch with the finance team you can email them at 0116 252 3733 or call them on feesandincome@le.ac.uk.


When you begin your time at The University of Leicester you should register with a health centre near you as soon as possible, as it can take a few days to register and it’s better to have a doctor to go to before you get sick. The Victoria Park Health Centre is close to the university campus and you can register with them online.

To get in touch with The Victoria Park Health Centre you can call them on 0116 215 1105.

International Students

Every year thousands of students from over 110 different countries choose to study at The University of Leicester. The international team have plenty of specific information and advice available for each country, to help international students right from the application stage all the way to their graduation.

To get in touch with the international team you can email them at study@le.ac.uk to get in touch with their international advisers, or call them on 0116 252 2674.

Student complaints and academic appeals

The University of Leicester wants all of its students to have a fantastic experience at university, but every so often things can go wrong and students may wish to make a complaint. This may be about a university facility, service, accommodation, a course, another student or a staff member.

To make a complaint you should get in touch with the advice service in the students union by emailing them at advice@le.ac.uk.

If you receive a grade/mark that you deem to be incorrect you can make an academic appeal to the university. To make an appeal you need to check you have reasonable grounds for appeal and fill in the appeal form. Reasonable grounds can include significant mitigating circumstances, procedural irregularities, prejudice or bias.

To make an academic appeal you will need to email the appeals team at appeals@le.ac.uk or call them on 0116 252 2605.


All students should consider volunteering during their time at university, as it is a great way for them to learn new skills, make new friends, and boost their cv and employability. There are so many different volunteering opportunities for students at The University of Leicester, whether they want to help children, the elderly, or animals. All students should record their volunteering hours as if they reach 25 in an academic year they receive the Higher Education Achievement Report.

To get in touch with the volunteering team you can email them at volunteering@le.ac.uk


A students wellbeing is really important to The University of Leicester, their wellbeing service is available to students to help them with any issues that may have a negative effect on their studies. The team are there to offer students support and advice, right from the application stage all the way to graduation.

To get in touch with the wellbeing team you can email them at wellbeing@le.ac.uk or call them on 0116 223 1780.

Last Updated on August 4, 2022
