Are you thinking about going to university? You may be wondering what you actually need to get accepted into university, because there is more to think about than just the grades. There’s entry requirements, interviews, exams, and even attendance to think about! Although it sounds like a lot, it really isn’t, and the more you know now, the less you have to worry about when you end up applying! So, if you’re wondering what grades you need to get into university, then here’s our checklist for you to look through!

1. What grades do you need to get into university?

What do you need to get into university
Source: Canva

The most obvious thing you’ll need to get into university is the grades. Every university has different grade requirements, which is something you should always check out before applying. If you’re predicted to achieve the grade requirements, then that’s all you need to apply! If you’re not predicted to get those grades, then it’s probably not worth your time applying. Some universities also offer a contextual offer, where the grade requirements will be lowered if you meet a certain criteria. Not all universities do this, so always check their website before applying! If you’re thinking of aiming high, then you definitely need to show through mock exams and coursework that you can achieve the grade requirements.

2. A Levels

Most universities require 3 A Levels for you to be accepted into university. These 3 A Levels also need to be relevant to the course you want to apply for. For example, if you want to study English, then you must have done English for your A Levels. If you wanted to study biology, then you would have had to have studied it for your A Level’s as well. Some universities will be considerate, especially if you’re applying for a course that may not have been offered as an A Level, such as photography. However, the main rule of thumb is it has to be relevant, so if you want to study an artsy degree, then you would have had to have done artsy A Levels .

If you’ve changed your mind since studying your A Levels, it’s always worth contacting the university. They might be able to sort something out, depending on your experience and grades. Sometimes, they will offer you the option of doing a foundation degree, which is basically a year of university to teach you the basics before you start your actual first year!

Also, if you’ve not quite got the A Level grades you want or hoped for, there’s still things you can do. Read here about what to do here.

3. GCSE’s

What do you need to get into university
Source: Canva

Although you may have thought that your GCSE’s were done and in the past, some universities do take them into consideration when looking at candidates. Some courses within universities are competitive, and so if there are a few people who’ve achieved similar grades, then they may look at your GCSE’s to make that final decision. This is more likely to happen at more valued universities, such as Oxford or Cambridge. However, this may not be an issue for most people, as the A Level grades do take priority.

What else do you need to get into to uni?

Beyond grades and academic qualifications, there’s a variety of other things you need to get into university. These include things that are part of the process like passing tests and interviews as well as proof of language level, funds, attendance and more. Read on to complete your checklist of all the things you need to apply to uni in addition to grade requirements.

4. Complete any admission tests

Some universities will require you to do an admission test before you receive your offer. These tests are there to make sure you have some knowledge of the course you’re applying to. After all, if you want to do a course in computing, then you will need to know the basics. Not all universities do this, so always make sure to check on the university website just in case they do. If you are required to do a test, it will most likely be done at your school under exam conditions. You can find out more about admission tests on the university website, as they will provide information on what’s expected of you, and how you can prepare.

5. Take an interview

What do you need to get into university
Source: Canva

Another thing you may have to prepare for is an interview. Again, this isn’t something that all universities and courses do, but it’s something you should be able to find out on the university website. You will probably be interviewed if you’re planning on studying medicine, music, or education. However, if you’re applying to Oxford or Cambridge, then you will get interviewed regardless of the course you’re applying for. If you’re looking on ways to prep for a university interview, then The Complete University Guide have a really useful article on how you can prepare for your interview! Just make sure to brush up on the basic knowledge of the course you’re applying to!

6. Good attendance

If you’re worried about your attendance at school stopping you from getting into university, then you really shouldn’t be, since this is something that is rarely looked at! Although generally, the more you’re in school, the better your grades are, as long as you achieve the grades, the university won’t look into your attendance. This may not the be the case for universities such as Oxford or Cambridge, but with most universities, you don’t have to worry! Although, attendance is super important, and if your grades are poor because of poor attendance, then it will be unlikely for you to receive an offer.

7. A personal statement

What do you need to get into university
Source: Canva

If you’re wondering on what you need to get into university, then your personal statement should be at the top of your priority list. Personal statements are super important when applying to universities. This is your chance to show them what type of person you are, and why you are deserving of a place. Your predicted grades along with your personal statement are what universities base their decisions off, so if you want to impress, then this is the time to do it! Without a good personal statement, you may not get an offer from your desired university, even if you are able to meet the grade requirements. UCAS have written a useful guide on how to write a personal statement, which you should definitely take advantage of. It’s also useful to have your personal statement proofread. This will help you avoid any spelling mistakes, which universities will definitely pick out. If you’re applying for a contextual offer, or applying to a university where you don’t meet the grade requirements, then your personal statement needs to stand out and be perfect, since you really need to show them why you should be offered a place.

8. References

A reference is super important when applying to university. This will usually be completed by one of your teachers, so it’s not something you have to worry about. All you have to do is ask one of your teachers to complete this for you. Everything else should be sorted out by them! You should ask a teacher that you get along with, for obvious reasons, and also a teacher who teaches the subject you want to study! The university will see their reference on your application, which will show them what your teachers at school think of you, and what kind of student you will be. If you’re unable to get a reference from a teacher, then you can also ask a previous employer, or a previous coach you’ve had.

9. To meet English language requirements

What do you need to get into university
Source: Canva

This won’t be an issue for most of us, but if English isn’t your first language, you may have to prove your fluency. International students usually have to take an English language test before they can begin. This is to ensure that you will be able to understand the course before you start it! If you are fluent in English, then all you have to do is include this in your application, which is usually a tick-box question. Each university website usually has a section on this, so take a look to find out more.

10. Proof of funds

Obviously, university isn’t free, but this isn’t an issue for most of us, who will get a student loan. You may be asked for further evidence on how you are planning to fund your studies if you’re not getting a student loan. This is extremely important for universities, as they don’t want to put anyone in a situation where they won’t be able to afford their studies. There are usually grants available if you meet a certain criteria as well! Always do some research to check your eligibility! If you’re getting a student loan, all you have to do is complete the application on the student finance website!

That’s everything you need to submit your application! If you can’t wait for university but don’t know what to expect, then read our article on simple steps on how to prepare for university! 

Last Updated on October 14, 2024
