University of Sheffield – 6.16666

University of South Wales – 6

University of Southampton – 6.875

University of St Andrews – 6.8

University of Stirling – 6.75

University of Strathclyde – 6.4

University of Surrey – 7

University of Sussex – 6.75

University of the West of England – 6.6666

University of Warwick – 7.5

University of Worcester – 5

University of York – 6.6666

While some students may have been a bit more truthful about the size of their members than others, it should go without saying that size doesn’t actually matter.

However, despite this, 45% of men would like a larger penis, according to an online survey of 50,000 people by consultant of sexual medicine, Prof Kevan Wylie from the University of Sheffield.

Speaking to, Prof Wylie said: ‘It may come as a surprise to some young men, but most women have very little interest in the size of their penis and that’s been shown in numerous studies over time.’

He added women are much more interested in whether you are romantic, tender and sensitive to their needs, based on conducted research.