COVID-19 worldwide is an uncertain time for everyone. Now more then ever it is important to look after your mental health, especially as we practise social distancing and have gone into lockdown.

Here are our top tips to get you through this lockdown period and perhaps even feel better on the other side.

1. Practice Gratitude

Wake up every morning and lie in bed for 10 minutes before you get up. Think about all the things in life you are grateful for. This will have a positive impact on how you feel, your energy for the day and you’ll start your day full of positivity. It can really be simple things like being born in the UK and having the NHS service, thankful for your family and your friends, thankful to have a roof over your head, food in the fridge etc.

2. Keep in contact

This can be an isolating period for a lot of people. Take advantage of the great technology we have and call/video call your friends and family to keep in touch as much as possible. It is important to check in on your friends and family, as well as giving yourself the time to release and confide in friends. Don’t take communication for granted, it will make you feel so much better to keep connected!

3. Get tasks done

Make a list of things you want to achieve for the week on a Sunday. This will help you to stay focused and plan ahead. If you struggle to stay focus then work in 1hr and a half chucks and then take a break. This helps you work by reward, your 10-minute break might be to call a friend or have a snack etc.

4. Exercise

Currently, the government are allowing you to have a walk a day for your daily exercise. You should definitely take advantage of this. Exercise is proven to help with mental health. You can even follow an exercise programme at home as well, with 10minute workouts. Youtube has some great resources for this.

5. Set some goals

None of us knows how long this will last but imagines how good you will feel coming out of this achieving something! Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn, or a wardrobe you’ve been meaning to clear out? Set some goals and achieve them during this period. This is a great time to slow down and start doing all those things you’ve always had ‘no time’ to do.

6. Cook and Bake

It can feel quite therapeutic and as if you’ve achieved something simply by cooking from scratch. Use this time to try new recipes and develop your cooking skills.

7. Don’t forget to laugh

Laughing will boost the way your mind and body feels. It is a great way to release positive energy. Speak to people who make you laugh or do things that make you laugh!