One of the prestigious Russell Group universities, the University of Leeds is a pretty good place for a good old student night out. Specifically, involving heavy drinking and clubbing until the sun rises. However, there are a few things that only University of Leeds students could ever possibly know.

1. The rivalry between Beckett at Varsity is massive

Varsity is one of the most anticipated events of the year and always, always, always ends in vicious, derogatory chanting about the opposing team, brawls, and drunk people streaking across the field. Sometimes even when the game is still in play. The rivalry seems to be a permanent aspect of the Leeds life, and seems to culminate at Varsity.


2. Brotherton is both beautiful and deadly

One of the three extensive libraries available to University of Leeds students, Brotherton is where you actually go to study instead of meeting your friends for a quick coffee. The library is incredibly beautiful, but is also a maze. If you happen to need a book from the West annexe prepare yourself by setting aside a few hours so you can attempt to navigate the stacks. The dusty catacombs of the Brotherton library are legendary; it wouldn’t be a surprise if you happened to see the skeleton of an once dedicated academic strewn over their research.


Brotherton is both beautiful and deadly
Source: Wikipedia

3. Otley Runs are lethal

Come rain or shine, donning your fancy dress to systematically slog through all of the pubs is a ritual necessitated by the Leeds student life. It doesn’t matter if you’re only four pubs in, it’s called a run for a reason and you can’t just quit. Pacing yourself is crucial, not that it ever actually happens.

Otley Runs are lethal
Source: Wikipedia

4. Fruity is both the best and the worst night out

Fruity Friday is the renowned for its classical playlist, not Beethoven’s symphonies but the long lost oldies from our childhood. You won’t find many other clubs willing to play Shakira and Sean Kingston. The only issue is that you have to be exceedingly drunk to enjoy prolonged exposure to it.

Screenshot 2020-01-21 at 11.25.31
Source: Fruity Facebook Page

5. Crispy’s is the only place to truly end your night

Renowned for its brilliance, Crispy’s is like discovering an oasis in the middle of the desert. Or, it’s four in the morning and you’re starving after a night out and there isn’t a McDonald’s in sight. It can’t be considered a good night out if you don’t finish it at Crispy’s before going home.

Crispy’s is the only place to truly end your night
Source: Dzenina Lukac-Pexels

6. The decision between Hyde Park and Headingly for second year

The momentous decision that we all have to go through: Hyde Park or Headingly after first year. Hyde Park is cheaper but you’re relieved at the end of the night when you come back and you haven’t been burgled. Headingly though, is more expensive and the hill forces you to consider just ordering an uber.


The decision between Hyde Park and Headingly for second year
Source: Wikipedia

7. Finding a plug socket in Edward Boyle is rare

Especially in exam season, finding a plug socket in the Edward Boyle library is like finding the Holy Grail. It’s a religious experience. Be prepared to fight for it though, you can easily lose a finger in the scuffle.

Finding a plug socket in Edward Boyle is rare
Source: Wikimedia

8. Water feature outside Roger Steven’s

It has always seemed inviting enough, and you’ve been dared to jump by your friends from the first time you saw it. You’re unlikely to ever risk it though, it’s hard to tell if it’s safe or riddled with disease. If you catch a dog swimming in it, it’s probably the best thing you’ll see all week.

Water feature outside Roger Steven’s
Source: Wikimedia

9. The Worsley building needs a map just for itself

It’s tedious to find the Worsley building from campus, let alone navigate its treacherous halls. If you’re lucky you won’t have to go for lectures and seminars there. If you do, good luck young explorer, because you’re more likely to discover some unexplored territory than actually find your room.

10. The Sainsbury’s local on Brudenell road is the best

Brudenell Road Sainsbury’s is your best friend. It’s seen you dressed up buying drinks for pres, and it’s also witnessed the absolute mess you’ve made of yourself the morning after when you’re in your pjs desperately searching for paracetamol.


The Sainsbury’s local on Brudenell road is the best
Source: Wikimedia

11. It’s perfectly acceptable to get drunk on a boat in the middle of a roundabout

Drydock is certainly unexpected at first, but you can’t avoid it forever. Soon enough, it’ll be your favourite haunt every week. Plus, it’s always amusing to watch people’s expressions when you give them vague descriptions of where you were the night before.


It's perfectly acceptable to get drunk on a boat in the middle of a roundabout
Source: Wikimedia

If you’re planning on going here, make sure you read our guide to settling into the Uni of Leeds.

Last Updated on November 5, 2024
