Going to university will definitely put a strain on your finances. Alongside tuition fees, there are many other extra costs that you may not consider before applying. Everything is expensive when you’re a student, and sometimes the amount you receive in your maintenance loan will just not be enough to enable to live out the full student experience. However, those of you out there who are worrying about how you will pay for university should not stress! There are many schemes out there that are designed to help out people like you. Here are just some of the grants available for university students from low-income families.

The Scholarship Hub

The Scholarship Hub
Source: Canva

The Scholarship Hub has a large database full of potential scholarships, grants and bursaries for students from low-income families to apply for. Whichever subject you choose to study, The Scholarship Hub will have help available to you.

The great thing about The Scholarship Hub is that you can adapt your grant search to your personal circumstances. For example, if you are sure on a university, but you don’t know what grants are available, you can limit your search to just that institution. Or, you can alternatively select “open to any university” to see all grants that are potentially available to you.

It’s free to sign up, so head over to The Scholarship Hub now!


Source: Turn2us Instagram

Turn2Us is a charity that is open to help everyone in need of financial support. However, there are many grants that students, in particular, can apply for on their website!

By using the Turn2Us grant search tool, you will be able to find all the financial aid available to you in your location. Make sure to change your occupation to ‘student/apprentice’, as not all the grants on the website are open to students, even though there are many that are.

If you want to find out more, visit the Turn2US website and enter your postcode, gender and age to see all the available help.



If you’re a woman looking to do a degree in a STEM subject (Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths), you definitely need to have a look at the grants and bursaries on offer through the WISE website.

WISE is a company that aims to increase the participation, contribution and success of women in STEM industries. They are currently advertising a wide range of opportunities for financial aid from different companies and institutions, such as Amazon, L’Oreal-UNESCO and Sky.

Check out the WISE website to see a full list of scholarships and bursaries to apply for.

The Savoy Educational Trust

The Savoy Educational Trust is a charity that is dedicated to the advancement and development of education within the hospitality industry.

If you’re going to be studying a hospitality-based subject at university, or you are already studying one, it would be worth applying to a grant from The Savoy Educational Trust. The purpose of the grant is to provide help with the purchase of any materials you might need for your course, such as books, uniform and practical equipment.

The maximum amount you will be able to get from a Savoy Educational Trust grant is usually around £500; this might seem like a small amount, however, the extra money will enable you to save money elsewhere!

Crowd Scholar

Crowd Scholar
Source: Crowd Scholar Facebook


Crowd Scholar is 100% funded by donations and gives a select number of students each year a sizeable scholarship to complete their studies. They are passionate about allowing exceptional disadvantaged students the opportunity to succeed and to be recognised for their achievements.

Unlike some other grants available to university students, Crowd Scholar won’t give small donations; their website states that “£10,000 toward’s one student’s education makes a bigger difference than £100 to one hundred students’ educations.” Therefore, although the scholarships might be few and hard to come by, the rewards, if you were to be given one, would make a significant difference to your university experience.

Unfortunately, applications for Crowd Scholar scholarships are now closed until early 2021. To apply, you must:

  • Be between 17 and 19 years of age when you start your course
  • Be eligible for free school meals
  • Be a UK resident at the start of your application
  • Be applying for a scholarship towards an education at a UK university
