It’s no secret that Love Island is a straight line to influencer stardom and that most of the cast don’t really have to worry about cash when they come out of the villa, but what about beforehand? Are the Love Island stories tales of rags to riches, or just tales of riches to easier riches? We’ve got all the info you need on what the Love Islander’s did before the show, and most importantly, how much did the Love Island cast earn be+fore Love Island?

Toby Aromolaran  -£18,000

love island 2021
Source: Toby Aromolaran on Instagram

Surprisingly, as a semi-professional footballer for Essex, Toby only brings in 18k a year. Don’t get us wrong, it’s a good amount, but not quite up there with the higher figures that fellow star Kaz brings in! He clearly loves it though, and that’s what matters.

Liberty Poole – £18,000

love island net worth
Source: Liberty Poolex on Instagram

Since she’s still a student, Liberty’s wages are a little lower than some of her co-stars. The Nando’s waitress and Marketing student picks up around £331 per week when working full-time, averaging out at about 18k a year. Not too bad for a uni student!

Liam Reardon – £22,800

Love Island wages
Source: Liam Reardon1 on Instagram

Welsh Loverboy Liam is a bricklayer back home, earning him a nice and respectful £22.8k a year – we can’t wait to see that increase when he heads home! He’s sure to find all sorts of deals waiting for him back in the UK – we’re expecting BoohooMAN.

Faye Winter – £25,000 

Love Island wages
Source: Faye Winter on Instagram

Whilst she might be all fire and shouting on the show, Faye Winter is actually a Lettings Manager back home. We’re not sure we’d want to work under her… Although she probably sells a lot of houses – after all, would you want to turn her down? We’d be a little scared to!

Millie Court – £26,000 

love island salaries
Source: Millie Grace Court on Instagram

Millie is by far one of the most fashion-forward stars on the show, and it’s no wonder – she’s literally a fashion buyer for ASOS. This involves her beating the curve and being ahead of the trends, and earns a nice 26k a year.

Tyler Cruickshank – £29,000

love island earnings
Source: Tyler Cruickshank_ on Instagram

No wonder Tyler was good at showing off his bulge recently – his job involves a lot of showing things off. No, he’s a stripper, sorry ladies. What he is, is a real estate agent in Croydon, bringing in a solid £29k each year.

Chloe Burrows – £36,700

love island salaries
Source: Chloe Burrows on Instagram

Another finance worker, Chloe is likely going to have to find a new job when she comes back to the real world after the villa! However, her skills will still give her a good position in the job hunt, or maybe she’ll get a brand deal – who knows?

Jake Cornish – £38,000 

love island wages
Source: Jake Cornish7 on Instagram

Funnily enough, Jake Cornish was a bit of a shit-stirrer before the show, not just in Casa Amor. By which, we mean he is a Water Engineer based in Weston-Super-Mare, involved in providing clean water, disposal of waste and preventing floods. Turns out he’s pretty important!

Teddy Soares – £42,000 

love island wages
Source: Teddy Soares on Instagram

Teddy’s ability to keep his cool, even when Faye was yelling at hi, (or just yelling generally) may have something to do with his previous job as a Senior Financial Consultant! In the role, he was earning approximately 42k a year. Unfortunately, it seems that he may not be able to go back to the job after the villa, due to the ‘heavily regulated nature of financial services’, according to a recruitment director.

Kaz Kamwi – £57,200 

love island wages
Source: Kaz Kamwi on Instagram

Before entering the show, Kaz was doing much the same as she is now! She was a glowing full-time fashion influencer with a following of 71k on Instagram. That meant she could have earned around £1000 per post. Not too shabby, Kamwi. #GirlBoss, right?

Now we’ve just got to wait to see how these all change after the show. Recent Love Islanders have found themselves gaining huge net worths through brand deals, influencing and releasing their own products (and we mean huge, Alex and Olivia Bowen are worth around 4.5 million!). So only time will tell where these stars’ careers will venture when the show ends and a winner is chosen.

Last Updated on December 1, 2024
