There are so many positives to being a student: including freebies on your birthday. But one definite negative is that each university (fairly or unfairly) builds up a bit of a reputation. Check out all these horrible things people are saying about your uni on Twitter. Meanies.

Anglia Ruskin University

Although Anglia Ruskin has three campuses — one in Chelmsford, Peterborough and Cambridge — much focus seems to be on the fact that it is looked upon as Cambridge’s inferior little brother. Nevertheless, it isn’t short of suit-wearing pretentious students claiming to be from the prestigious uni.

Cardiff University

It seems that most people think students from Cardiff are originally from Surrey and aren’t fans of the Welsh, which isn’t ideal if you’re going to uni in Wales…

De Montfort University

DMU is pretty well-known for being lit. But the party lifestyle comes with some major setbacks. Students who go here seem to get judged for being a mess — still though, best years of your life and all that 

Leeds Beckett University

Beckett students seem to have picked up a bad rap for not being the smartest lot, but who are really good at sport. That stereotype isn’t helped when their greatest alumni is a sports star.

Loughborough University

This sports focused uni is known for exactly that (and Camilla from Love Island being an alumnus, obviously). However, there is a perk to being a sports uni and that is being able to wear gym clothes all the time and getting away with it.

Newcastle University

Although Newcastle was in the top 25 in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide last year, it seems you guys aren’t so good with your dress sense…

Nottingham Trent University

We all know those Trent students absolutely love Ocean, but when the rest of the world starts to notice maybe it’s time to do something else on a Wednesday.

Oxford Brookes University

Sheffield Hallam University

They may be about to get a Michelin-starred chef host a pop-up at their uni, but it seems lots of people are very angry about the left-wing leanings of Hallam students.

Teesside University

People come up with some hilarious excuses to miss uni, but it seems some Teesside students could do with spending a bit more time studying — especially as they can’t spell their own uni’s name correctly.

University of the Arts London

Who would have thought an abundance of tote bags and retro cameras would have you labelled as “pretentious”. Don’t worry it’s just jealousy.

University College London

Perhaps it’s the highly publicised (and successful) rent strike, but UCL students have made a name for themselves as being lefty, liberals. Isn’t it so annoying when people stick up for their rights?

University of Bath

It’s fair to say that the lucky lot at Bath Uni live in one of the most beautiful cities in the UK. Maybe it’s this that makes people think that is chock-a-block with rahs.

University of Birmingham

Unsurprisingly (as it was named the No.1 hardest partying uni), Birmingham Uni students have a bit of a rep as party animals. But not everyone thinks you’re that cool for your hard drinking.

University of Bristol

With so many great gigs coming to Bristol, it’s unsurprising that students turn to narcotics to boost their nights. But ketamine?



Last Updated on December 15, 2024
