When you start university it can be easy to get swept up in all the excitement and forget about some of the important stuff. To make sure students remember to organise their finances, register with a doctor, and declare any disability they may need help with, here are all the ways of getting help at Liverpool Hope University.
For Help
Email: accommodation@hope.ac.uk
Phone: 0151 291 3434
Disability & Dyslexia
Email: sdw@hope.ac.uk
Phone: 0151 291 3427
Faith & Spirituality
Email: chaplaincy@hope.ac.uk
Phone: 0151 291 3545
Fees & Finance
Email: financequeries@hope.ac.uk
Islington House Medical Centre
Phone: 0151 317 8600
Valley Medical Centre
Phone: 0151 722 2744
Rutherford Medical Centre
Phone: 0151 722 1803
International Students
Email: internationalsupport@hope.ac.uk
Phone: 0151 291 3389
Student complaints & Academic appeals
Phone: 0151 291 3233
Email: appeals@hope.ac.uk
Email: careers@hope.ac.uk
Phone: 0151 291 3427
Email: sdw@hope.ac.uk
Phone: 0151 291 3427
Deciding where to live during your time at university is an important choice every student needs to make, although most choose to live in either university-managed accommodation or in private student accommodation.
Liverpool Hope University has a variety of different university-managed accommodations for its students across their 3 campuses. Accommodation ranges in price, contract length, and whether students share facilities or have an ensuite.
To get in touch with the accommodation office you can email them at accommodation@hope.ac.uk or call them on 0151 291 3434.
Disability and Dyslexia
At Liverpool Hope University The Learning Support Team are available to help students with a physical or specific learning disability. They could help with accommodation or additional arrangements for assessments and exams. The team can also help students apply for the disabled student’s allowance, which is a sum of money to help students pay for any additional costs they might face because of their disability.
To get in touch with the learning support team you can call them on 0151 291 3427 or email them at sdw@hope.ac.uk.
Faith & Spirituality
There is a chaplaincy, chapel, and multi-faith room at Liverpool Hope University for students of all faith backgrounds and beliefs. The chaplains are available to offer students and staff support and advice in a non-judgmental environment.
To get in touch with the chaplaincy you can email them at chaplaincy@hope.ac.uk or call them on 0151 291 3545.
Fees and Finance
Students have a lot of financial responsibility, especially when they start at university. Tuition fees and accommodation rent are just two of the many costs students have to pay and organise funding for, which is why most students apply for a student loan before they start university to help them cover the costs. If you need some advice on your finances or budgeting you should get in touch with the student finance office.
To get in touch with the student finance office you can email them at financequeries@hope.ac.uk.
When you start at Liverpool Hope University it is really important for you to register with a local doctor immediately, this is so you can be registered and not have to register when or if you get sick. Some of the local doctor’s offices include Islington House Medical Centre, Valley Medical Centre and Rutherford Medical Centre.
New students should also register with a local dentist, which they can find here.
To get in touch with the doctor’s office you can call Islington House Medical Centre at 0151 317 8600, Valley Medical Centre at 0151 722 2744, or Rutherford Medical Centre at 0151 722 1803.
International Students
Liverpool is a vibrant and cultural city so its no wonder why they have so many international students choose to study there. The international support team at Liverpool Hope University are available to help all international students right from the application stage to their graduation. They can help students find accommodation, with immigration enquiries and visas.
To get in touch with the international support team you can email them at internationalsupport@hope.ac.uk or call them on 0151 291 3389.
Student complaints and academic appeals
Although Liverpool Hope University wants all of its students to have a great university experience, although sometimes things can go wrong and students may want to make a complaint about whatever reason, whether that be a university facility or service, or another student or member of staff.
To get in touch with the complaints team you can call them on 0151 291 3233.
If you want to make an academic appeal against a decision you must check that you have grounds for appeal and fill in the appeals form. Once you have filled in the form it will be referred to a faculty senior academic advisor appeal panel, and then if they deem necessary an academic appeal committee.
To get in touch with the academic appeals team you can email them at appeals@hope.ac.uk.
Every year at Liverpool Hope University there is a volunteering and work experience fair for students to help them find productive ways to spend their free time. Volunteering is a great way for students to learn new skills whilst also making new friends and supporting a good cause.
To get in touch with the volunteering team you can email them at careers@hope.ac.uk or call them on 0151 291 3427.
University can put a strain on a students mental health, which is why Liverpool Hope University has a student support and wellbeing team available to offer students advice with anything that may be negatively affecting their time at university. The team also offer counselling services for their students to help them.
To get in touch with the wellbeing team you can email them at sdw@hope.ac.uk or call them on 0151 291 3427.
Last Updated on August 4, 2022
Published on September 27, 2020