Being a student means you have more independence, but this comes with greater financial responsibility. The initial drop of student loan seems exciting but, it may not last as long as you would like it to. Especially if you are living away from home, it can become costly. Expenses add up with the combination of rent, food shopping and other activities. You do not have to sacrifice having fun or only having toast for dinner on the last week of term. As a student, there are many ways to save money with your student discount! So read on to find out our 10 savvy ways to save money with your student discount.
1. Get a student bank account
Once you become a student you have the option to change to a student bank account and, many come with amazing perks! Although this is not technically a student discount, it is a great way to save money as a student. Student bank account provide you with great deals these include, freebies like discounted travel, overdrafts and some even give out free cash. It’s important to research what banks offer the best deals for student accounts. For instance, Santander offers a free railcard, which discounts travel, with their student bank account. So, do some research on the best student bank accounts in order to save some money. To help you out, we’ve come up with a list of some of the best student bank accounts, here.
2. Take your student card everywhere you go
Another great way to save money with your student discount is to keep your student ID card on you. When you go to college, sixth-form and university, your institution should you provide you with a student card. This card proves that you’re a student. If you go out and somewhere offers student discount, your student ID is proof that you are a student! You should be able to use it when you go shopping or to restaurants. So make sure you take your ID card everywhere you go in order to make the most of your student discount.
Another way to save money with your student discount is through a TOTUM card. This is an upgrade from your average student card. TOTUM is a student discount card and app that gives you exclusive deals on different brands. These discounts include HelloFresh, O2, The Body Shop, Samsung as well as a range of others. To get access to discounts that TOTUM has to offer, there are different student membership options. You can buy a 1 year membership for £14.99 which includes the ID card or you can also get a 1 year membership for £14.99 that does not include the card. Also, you can get TOTUM digital which is free but, it is online only and you don’t have access to all the features. Nevertheless, TOTUM is a great way to save money with your student discount.
4. Look out for discounts on travel
One of the best ways to save money with your student discount is in travel. If you live away from home or travel back and forth from uni, discounts on travel will save you a ton of money. UNiDAYS offers a discount on travel for the National Express. Moreover, there are some student bank accounts that offer discounts on travel. There are many travel deals for students, so make sure you look out for them!
5. Amazon Prime
Amazon offers a great deal to students that will ensure you save money! Usually, Amazon Prime costs £7.99 per month but, with their student discount, you can get it way cheaper. With their student discount, new members get a 6 month free trial then after students only have to pay £3.99 per month. With Amazon Prime you will be able to get next day delivery on items you have ordered. As well as this, you have access to all the films and shows that Amazon streams. These include shows and films that are exclusive to Amazon.
6. Online shopping
Online shopping is a great way to save money with your student discount. Many clothing websites offer student discount. For instance, ASOS offers 10% student discount and sometimes this discount increases. Also boohoo offers discounted premier delivery for students! Although we have not covered all of them, there are a range of online clothing websites that offer student discount.
7. Spotify/Apple Music
You can also save money on music streaming services. Both Apple Music and Spotify offer premium for a discounted price for students. Both streaming services offer the subscription for only £5.99 per month. Well, now you can listen to music whilst you figure out what you’re going to eat for your last dinner for the term!
8. Check out the Unifresher Deals section
Another great way to save money with your student discount is by checking out the Unifresher deals page. We’ve worked hard to source the best deals in order to provide students with exclusive discount codes. These include deals on lifestyle, clothing, food and beauty. So, head on over to the page to access some of the best student deals with the biggest brands.
9. Simply ask for it
This may sound obvious, but simply asking if a place does student discount will save you money. Some places do not advertise that they do student discount, so you have to enquire. You may be able to get deals on food, clothes, attractions and other items when you go out. There’s no harm in asking, so ask away!
Hopefully, you now know the top 10 savvy ways to save money with your student discount! If you wanna know how to save even more money, check out our top tips to save money as a uni student.
Last Updated on August 24, 2022
Published on August 23, 2022