Many things contribute to what makes a good university. High student satisfaction rate? A fun and sociable nightlife? A well-known reputation? Or even great opportunities after you graduate. It is really down to what you value the most. So, let’s talk about Russell Group unis. Are they as good as everyone seems to make it out to be? 

One thing I think you should keep in mind is that there are a range of different cultures and identities within Russell group unis. Each uni is uniquely individual. 

Student satisfaction in Russell Group unis

Student satisfaction in Russell Group unis
Source: Canva

The best way to find out if a university is good is by looking at student satisfaction. This shows how student’s rate the experiences and the facilities/services their universities provide. At the moment, the highest Russell Group uni ranking goes to York with 81%. The Complete University Guide reveals that a large majority of UK universities average between 70% and 90% which is insanely high! This is even better because it includes both Russell Group unis and non-Russell Group unis, showing that they are quite similar and just as good as each other.

Recognition & Reputation 

There is no doubt that Russell group unis are recognised throughout the UK for their contributions to research and teaching. That is why most of their universities dominate the ranking leagues. For example, the University of Oxford currently ranks 1st in the UK and in the world and out of the top 10 universities in the UK, 7 are Russell Group unis. 

However, it is important to know that there are a number of amazing unis that rank highly in the leagues that offer a similar status, and a high level of quality of research (arguably even better) and teaching. For instance, Loughborough University, it is currently ranked at 10 in the UK by all university leagues, and is one of the leading institutions in sports.

Recognition & Reputation 
Source: Loughborough University Instagram

Employment & Graduate Prospects

Russell Group uni’s reputable status has strong links to securing employment and work placements straight after graduating. A survey carried out by Milkround in 2019 revealed that 83% of students who had graduated from a Russell group uni had gotten into full-time work within weeks of graduating. So, I guess that is a good reason for going to a Russell group uni! However, these days, there are other skills that you are going to need to find a job post-Covid-19.  

However, the survey was taken 3 years ago and the culture that surrounds universities as a whole is changing. More and more recruiters are accepting alternative routes such as apprenticeships. Interestingly, this has also lead to a rise in number of Russell group unis are even offering degree apprenticeships, which is something that had not been previously done.

are russell group unis really that good?
Source: Canva

The Nightlife 

If you enjoy going out for drinks and clubbing then a uni’s nightlife may be very important to you. It is always good to have a balance between academic life and a social life. Go out, and enjoy university life! Interestingly, this is one of the downfalls of going to a Russell group uni. Nightlife tends to not be as good as you’d expect it to be. I go to Warwick and I can attest that at times the nightlife can be quite boring. However, others like Leeds, are known to have a great student life. Click here to see the hardest partying unis in 2022. 

The Nightlife 
Source: Canva

So in conclusion, Russell Group unis do live up to their prestigious name and reputation. Especially, when it comes to employment, recognition and student satisfaction. However, in terms of social life other unis may be a better fit. Every experience is different!

Still not sure which university is for you? Check our list of the worst to best Russell Group universities: Ranked. 
