When you’re at university, there will come a time that you have to look at housing and letting agencies. It can be a hard job and can get really quite stressful on top of the university work and any other responsibilities you might have. So to help you out, we’ve compiled a list of all of the best student letting agencies in Bath in 2024. You might also be interested in checking out our list of the best student halls in Bath if you are looking for first-year accommodation. 

1. Zest Sales & Lettings

Zest Lettings
Source: Zest Love Property Website

Zest started in 2008 and has since won Business of the Year and a Gold Award at the British Property Awards for three years running. They have even been crowned the Best Estate Agent in Bath and Best Agent in the South West. They’ve got properties all over the city with 7 bedroom semi-detached homes and smaller flats.

Address: 1a Mile End, Bath BA1 6PT

Contact: happytohelp@zestlovesproperty.com

Phone Number: 01225 481010

Website: https://www.zestlovesproperty.com/

2. Roman City Property

Roman City Property
Source: Roman City Property Website

Roman City Properties are an independent sales, letting and managing agent that has been working in Bath for more than 40 years. They actually specialise in student lettings and are the largest student letting agent in the city. The agency are experts in HMO licensing and are have a close relationship with the university. 

Address: 24 Claverton St, Buildings, Bath BA2 4LD

Contact: office@romancity.co.uk

Phone Number: 01225 332030

Website: https://www.romancity.co.uk/

3. Martin & Co. 

Bath Student houses
Source: Martin and Co

Martin & Co. has been managing residences in the centre of Bath since 2004. The director, Brian Philips, is from Bath and takes great pride in renting out properties in the UNESCO World Heritage city. They pride themselves on providing expert advice on student homes, and they know how daunting it can be. They’re there to help you through the process.

Address: 1 Cleveland Terrace, Bath, Somerset, BA1 5DF

Contact: bath@martinco.com

Phone Number: 01225 429999

Website: https://www.martinco.com/estate-agents-and-letting-agents/branch/bath

4. Bath Student Rentals

Bath Student Rentals
Source: Bath Student Rentals Website

Bath Student Rentals exclusively only offer student accommodation in Bath and their properties are all located within a 1.5 mile radius of the City centre! It is a family run business with a focus of going the extra mile.

Address: Bath Student Rentals, 2 Prior Park Road, Widcombe, BA24NG

Phone Number: 01225 311 211

Website: info@bathstudentrentals.com

5. Peter Moore Lets 

The best student letting agencies in Bath in 2024!
Source: Peter Moore Lets

Peter Moore Lets is a family-owned independent business that has been providing top-tier student accommodation since 1972. With properties of all sizes, from 1 bedroom to 9 bedroom, this agency personally owns all of their properties and boasts an incredibly personal service to those who let with them. The agency has lots of properties on their site for you to view, but they also have plenty more in their portfolio – just contact them for more options and information.

Address: 14 Widcombe Cres, Bath BA2 6AH

Phone Number: 01225 422387

Website: https://studentaccommodationbath.com/

Those are our top picks for student letting agencies in Bath. Finding accommodation can be stressful but hopefully, this list has made it that little bit easier.  

Last Updated on December 19, 2024
