There are many reasons to choose to study in Edinburgh. The beautiful city, the prestigious universities and the rich culture are just some of many examples. But there is something else that makes Edinburgh attractive for university students: the various student societies and sports clubs! From Beer Brewing to Harry Potter, you are sure to find something that interests you here!
There is a huge variety of student societies in Edinburgh. The University of Edinburgh alone offers over 290 student-led societies and volunteering groups, including anything from mainstream to obscure. If you do not happen to find something that interests you, you can even start your own society with some friends! Make sure to check out the following societies first though.
Academic societies
There are societies for students of any subject, ranging from medicine to history and International Law. They are a great way to learn and meet fellow students on your course, but you can also join if you don’t study a particular degree and the subject simply interests you. A lot of the academic societies are free or cost only a few pounds this year, so you really cannot do anything wrong with giving some of them a try! The societies usually offer various academic events and talks, but also lots of social meetings!
Creative societies
If you have a passion for the arts and would like to get creative, these societies might be something for you. The University of Edinburgh offers a wide range of artistic societies, including the creative writing society, the arts society, the make-up and SFX society and the photography society.
Dance, Music and Theatre
Regardless whether you have always been into dancing and theatre or if you want to try something new, you might want to take a look at these societies. Interesting societies offered at the University of Edinburgh include the Ballroom Dancing Society, the Hip Hop Society, the French Theatre Society and the Comedy Society.
Campaigning and Political Societies
These societies are the right things for students who want to engage politically and make a difference in the world. There are societies for different campaigning organisations, such as the Amnesty International Society and the Save the Children Society. There are also societies for various political positions, including a Marxist society.
Religion and Faith
Another great way to meet like-minded people is to join a society related to religion. Many different religions are represented, and there even is an atheist society!
There are gaming societies for traditional board games in Edinburgh, like the chess and bridge society, but there are also societies for computer and video games, such as the gaming society. Regardless of what type of game you prefer, you are sure to find other people who share your passion!
One of the great things about university is the chance to learn about different cultures and to meet people from all around the world. Why not join a society to use this chance to the fullest? Or maybe you are an international student who wants to share their culture with other people? There are student societies for students of nearly every origin. There also is the Erasmus Student Network Edinburgh Society, where you can learn and exchange experiences about studying abroad, meet international students and improve your language skills.
If you want to go for something more unconventional than the societies mentioned above, you have plenty of choice between some more unusual student societies in Edinburgh. For example, there is a Beer and Brewing Society, a Bad Film Society, a Harry Potter Society and an Exmoor Pony Trekking Society, which you should definitely check out.
Sports clubs
Apart from traditional societies, the University of Edinburgh offers 64 different sports clubs. These include anything from archery and badminton to canoeing, gymnastics and trampolining. There are also some more unusual sports on offer, for example, clay pigeon shooting, polo and scuba-diving. All clubs offer training, competitions and many social events. They are open for all abilities, from absolute beginners to elite athletes.
Among this variety, you are sure to find the right society or sports club for you, regardless of your experience and your interests! If you want to find out more about the student societies at the University of Edinburgh, you should take a look at the website of Students Association and the Sports Union.
Last Updated on September 2, 2022
Published on December 8, 2020