The weather is looking up (most days), the sun has come out (again most days, certainly not all) and classes, exams and assignments are finally done! It can only mean one thing: it’s grad season! It’s time to dress up and celebrate your hard work at your graduation ceremony. But first, what exactly does the traditional grad dress symbolise? Read on to find out the graduation gown colours’ meaning, and history.

What are the graduation gown and robe colours’ meaning in the UK?

Graduation Gown Style and Colours
Source: University of Bristol

The graduation gown colours’ meaning reflect the degree level you’ve studied – so there are different colours for undergraduates, postgraduates and PhDs. This is true for the styles of graduation gowns too, where they are differentiated by degree level, rather than personal preference. Many universities also have their own guidelines for colours specific to the degrees they offer too. However, these are the three main types of graduation gowns:

graduation gown colours meaning UK robes
Source: University of Hull

1. Bachelor’s Degree

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Degree will typically wear gowns that are black and have short sleeves. Their hood colour will correspond to their department, or specific degree, according to their university’s rules.

2. Master’s Degree

Those undertaking a master’s will also wear black gowns, however, these will have long sleeves. Again, their field of study determines the colour of their hood.

3. Doctorate’s Degree

If you’re graduating with a PhD, the colour scheme is different. Becoming a doctor in your field of study is no easy feat. The red gown reserved for those earning their doctorates recognises this. It is long-sleeved with coloured silk. Of course, the degree they have pursued determines the hood.

As mentioned, there are slight differences in graduation gown colours according to universities. For example, the University of Edinburgh has a separate colour and style for PgCert and PgDip graduation gowns then postgraduates who have completed the longer, full Masters course. It’s definitely worth checking with your university as to which gown you should be wearing. 

Origins of the gradutaion gown and gap

Origins of the Gown and Cap
Source: Canva

So where does the gown and cap originate from? According to Columbia University, the clergy first wore gowns and hoods. This was later adopted by their students. It dates back to 12th-century European customs. Unlike today, it had some practical reasoning behind it. The gown provided warmth, as many of the buildings were unheated. The cap was also suited to cover the bald heads of the clergy, which was originally done with a hood. In addition, the academic dress was worn daily, serving to set students apart from their fellow citizens. It marked their privilege and apparent learnedness. Some universities, like Oxford, Cambridge or St Andrews, use the academic dress for formal occasions other than graduation. The style and colours for this dress can differ from the graduation style and colour. 

UK graduation traditions

UK Graduation Traditions
Source: Canva

There are also other traditions that UK universities will often follow in their ceremonies.  Many universities will start the ceremony with a procession of their students. Often, they will be carrying a ceremonial mace. After the procession, the graduates are called one by one to shake the hand of a senior official. Of course, the ceremony will also include a speech. This can be at the start or end of the graduation and is usually performed by the chancellor or vice-chancellor of the university. And let’s not forget throwing off the caps at the end for a true celebration!

Congratulations if you have your graduation coming soon! Hopefully, you know more about its history now and the graduation gown colours meaning – and we’ll also help you decide what to wear underneath in this guide. Graduation is a time of transition, so it is often tumultuous for many of us. If you are feeling nervous about your next steps check out this article.  Good luck wherever your next chapter takes you!
