If you’re a student in Nottingham, you’ll know about the rivalry between the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University. Those are the two universities in Nottingham, so naturally you might expect a bit of rivalry between the two (friendly, of course). If you’re considering applying to university in Nottingham, then you’ll want to know the difference between the two universities. So, University of Nottingham vs Nottingham Trent- which is better? Read on to find out more.

Disclaimer – I went to the University of Nottingham. These categories are either objective or based on individual preference, but I’ll still put a disclaimer to be safe. 

Who’s better academically?

There are many university league tables, but we’ll be opting with The Guardian’s University League Table for 2024. While Uni Of has been ranked higher in the past, Trent actually comes out on top in this respect. It ranks as the 42nd best university in the country (according to The Guardian’s list) while Uni Of comes in at 59th. 


Nottingham Uni vs Nottingham Trent - which is better?
Source: Nottingham Trent University

Nottingham Trent is in the heart of Nottingham city centre, meaning that you are within walking distance of the city’s main attractions and clubs. There are also a lot more options for formal student accommodation nearby. Meanwhile, UON’s campuses are located a little way out from the city centre. Students typically stay in on-campus accommodation or move out into student houses in Lenton, Beeston or Dunkirk after their first year. However, you can still get to the city centre easily, with buses and trams taking you from campus to the city centre within 15-20 minutes. Though, Trent gets the edge in this regard for its proximity.

Who’s better at sport?

Nottingham Uni vs Nottingham Trent - which is better?
Source: University of Nottingham

Both Uni of and Trent come in the top 10 overall in the BUCS (British University and College Sports) points standings, though Uni Of takes this one. UON finished in second place in the overall standings with 8227 points while Nottingham Trent finished seventh with 3657 points throughout the year. So, across all sports, UON is the more well-rounded option. 


This will entirely depend on what you intend to study. UON offers a large number of courses in a variety of subject areas. If you’re looking to study a subject where the prestige of your university can affect your employability (like law for example), then UON takes the cake. However, Nottingham Trent offers some more specialised courses. They’re known for journalism and business studies, plus they offer some form of work experience across all courses. So, which one is better depends on what you want to study. 


Which has a better student life?

Nottingham Uni vs Nottingham Trent - which is better?
Source: University of Nottingham

Once again, both Nottingham universities rank highly for their student life. According to University Compare’s rankings, both Nottingham unis find themselves in the top five nationally. Nottingham Trent is second nationally, only behind the University of Liverpool, with an overall rating of 4.36/5 stars. Uni of Nottingham, meanwhile, comes in at 5th place, with an overall rating of 4.19/5. So, both universities have a great student life, but Nottingham Trent comes out on top. 


Both UON and Trent have a wide range of societies. Whether you’re looking for a new hobby, keep up a current one or simply to meet new people, there are countless options. UON has over 300 student groups, with activities that range from coffee society to filmmaking to matchmaking society and sailing society. Trent, meanwhile, has over 100 societies that range from anime society to beer society to help in the community to Taylor Swift society. While UON has more options, both have a wide range of societies to enjoy. Again, which one is better depends on where your interests lie. 

There are many student societies between Nottingham’s two universities. Check out this article for the best student societies in Nottingham.

Who’s more likely to get a job after graduation?

Using the latest QS Graduate Employability Rankings (2022), Uni Of comes out on top over Trent. UON comes in at 66th worldwide (10th in the UK) while Trent doesn’t make the top 250. While this is just one ranking, it suggests that businesses and future employers view UON students as more employable than Trent students. 

So, to answer the question, University of Nottingham vs Nottingham Trent – which is better? Well, that depends on you as an individual. There are some respects where UON is better (employability, sports) while there are some where Trent is better (academics, student life). But, overall, being a student in Nottingham is one that I, as someone graduating in a matter of days from when I’m writing this, is something I would wholeheartedly recommend.

Last Updated on January 14, 2025
